
Who am I?
photo by Jennifer J Photos
     I’m Mariah- an old soul in a young body, an avid reader, writer, and a creator. I strive to live my life passionately, even the mundane things like putting on socks and driving to work.  This blog is my way of sharing my creations and inspirations with you, so I hope you enjoy it!

Why imagisme?
     Imagisme is the title of an essay written by American poet Ezra Pound in 1913 that explicates the essential dogma of the literary movement of Imagism. This movement focused on using clear, precise language and very direct imagery in poetry and other literature rather than the sentimental, flowery language of Victorian literature. History lesson aside, it’s an idea I’ve tried to utilize in my creative ventures. This blog will be a way for me to explore the philosophy in my own writing and translate it to my photography.

Is a picture really worth a thousand words?
     The reason I love photography is that a picture is more than a wall decoration or memento of an occasion. A photograph can tell a story or invoke an emotion or a memory, and it’s exhilarating as a photographer to choose which one or what combination of the three to document. Taking photographs is my way of preserving the people, objects, and moments of life in a single frame that would require millions of words to properly describe. I love it!

Have a question about me or the blog? Leave a comment on a post or email me at mariahnimmich@gmail.com and I’ll answer it here.